Stern Pissarro Gallery

  • Contacts David Stern, Lelia Pissarro-Stern
  • Opening hours Mon-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-5
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Impressionist – Modern – Contemporary


Established in 1964, Stern Pissarro Gallery is co-owned by David Stern and Lélia Pissarro, great-granddaughter of Camille Pissarro. The gallery specialises in Impressionist, Modern and Contemporary art as well as Camille Pissarro and his descendants.

Following the marriage of David Stern to Lélia Pissarro in 1988, Stern Pissarro Gallery in Mayfair has become an international family art business specialising in Impressionist, Modern and Contemporary masters.

The gallery occupies a unique position in the global art scene, representing five generations of works by the Pissarro family. With the strongest collection of Pissarro works worldwide, the gallery lends extensively to international museums and institutions and has become a centre of research and expertise for the work of Camille Pissarro’s descendants.

The gallery has delivered important exhibitions such as Marc Chagall: Master of Colour (2016) and Christo and Jeanne-Claude: A Life of Projects (2018) and Camille Pissarro: Works from the Gallery Collection (2021). Stern Pissarro Gallery also exhibits in selected annual fairs such as Brussels Art Fair (BRAFA).

Appel, Karel
Atlan, Jean-Michel
Boudin, Eugène
Braque, Georges
Brauner, Victor
Buffet, Bernard
Calder, Alexander
Chagall, Marc
Crotti, Jean
De Vlaminck, Maurice
Degas, Edgar
Delaunay, Sonia
Delvaux, Paul
Derain, André
Dine, Jim
Dubuffet, Jean
Dufy, Raoul
Ernst, Max
Estève, Maurice
Fontana, Lucio
Francis, Sam
Gauguin, Paul
Gleizes, Albert
Guillaumin, Armand
Herbin, Auguste
Hirst, Damien
Jenkins, Paul
Kapoor, Anish
Kisling, Moïse
Kusama, Yayoi
Kwang-Young, Chun
Laurencin , Marie
Le Sidaner, Henri
Léger, Fernand
Loiseau, Gustave
Manguin, Henri
Marini, Marino
Martin, Henri
Masson, André
Matisse, Henri
Monet, Claude
Pascin, Jules
Penck, A.R.
Picasso, Pablo
Piene, Otto
Pissarro, Camille
Pissarro, Lucien
Poliakoff, Serge
Renoir, Pierre-Auguste
Richter, Gerhard
Riopelle, Jean-Paul
Signac, Paul
Survage, Léopold
Tàpies, Antoni
Utrillo, Maurice
Valtat, Louis
Van Dongen, Kees
Vasarely, Victor
Vieira Da Silva, Maria Helena
Vuillard, Édouard
Wesselmann, Tom