Hanina Fine Arts

  • Contacts Owner: Mr Yuval Hanina
  • Opening hours Mon-Fri 10-6, Sat 12-4
  • HFA-Reth-Gilioli-Leuppi-instal
  • lg_68615
  • HFA-Lhote-LaTerrasse
  • HFA-Gregori-NM1955

School of Paris, Early Modern and Post-war European and American paintings and sculpture


Hanina Fine Arts specialises in twentieth century European Modern Art and and has established a reputation as London’s leading specialists in the post-war School of Paris.

The gallery was established by Yuval Hanina over thirty years ago and holds regular exhibitions exploring the cultural and historical significance of Modernist artists and movements from Cubism and Expressionism to Geometric Abstraction, Abstraction Lyrique and Nouvelle Figuration.

Artists include:
Henri-Georges ADAM, (1904-1967)
Fernandez ARMAN (1928-2005)
Reynold ARNOULD, (1919-1980)
Jean-Michel ATLAN, (1913-1960)
Rudolph BAUER, (1889-1953)
Andre BEAUDIN (1895-1979)
Roger BISSIERE, (1886-1964)
Francisco BORES (1898-1972)
Bernard BUFFET, (1928-1999)
Camille BRYEN (1907-1977)
Youla CHAPOVAL, (1919-1951)
Serge CHARCOUNE, (1888-1975)
John CHRISTOFOROU (b.1921)
Georges COLLIGNON, (1923-2002)
Jean CROTTI, (1878-1958)
Joseph CSAKY, (1881-1971)
Jean DEYROLLE, (1911-1967)
Pierre DMITRIENKO, (1925-1974)
Cesar DOMELA (1900-1992)
Oscar GAUTHIER (1921-2009)
Jacques GERMAIN, (1915-2001)
Emile GILIOLI (1911-1977)
Leon GISCHIA, (1903-1991)
Henri GOETZ, (1909-1989)
Henri HAYDEN, (1883-1970)
Auguste HERBIN, (1882-1960)
Alexandre ISTRATI, (1915-1991)
Jacques LAGRANGE, (1917-1995)
André LANSKOY, (1902-1976)
Louis LATAPIE, (1891-1972)
Jean LE MOAL, (1909-2007)
André LHOTE, (1885-1962)
Dora MAAR, (1907-1997)
Thilo MAATSCH, (1900-1983)
Alberto MAGNELLI, (1888-1971)
Alfred MANESSIER, (1911-1993)
André MARCHAND, (1907-1998)
Georges MATHIEU, (1921-2012)
André MINAUX, (1923-1986)
Max PAPART, (1911-1994)
Jean PIAUBERT, (1900-2002)
Pablo PICASSO, (1881-1973)
James PICHETTE (1920-1996)
Edouard PIGNON, (1905-1993)
Edgard PILLET, (1912-1996)
Serge POLIAKOFF, (1900-1969)
Antoine PONCET (b.1928)
Valentine PRAX, (1889-1981)
Alfred RETH, (1884-1966)
Gustave SINGIER, (1909-1984)
François STAHLY, (1911-2006)
Leopold SURVAGE, (1879-1968)
Arpad SZENES, (1897-1985)
Claude VENARD, (1913-1999)
Georges VALMIER, (1885-1937)
Léon ZACK, (1892-1980)