James Butterwick

  • Contacts James Butterwick
  • Opening hours by appointment
  • 16-Bogomazov-Landscape-Caucasus-Oil-on-Canvas-Unframed
  • 16-Bogomazov-Landscape-Caucasus-Oil-on-Canvas-Unframed

Ukrainian and European Fine Art


James Butterwick began collecting and selling Ukrainian and Russian Art in 1985 and has established himself as one of the world’s leading experts. He moved to Moscow in 1994, becoming the only foreign member of the Russian Society of Private Collectors. He forms collections, takes part in museum exhibitions and reads lectures on Ukrainian and Russian Art, including at the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow in 2013. In 2008 James became the only foreign member of International Confederation of Antique and Art Dealers of Russia and the CIS and in 2013 SLAD. James acts as a source of museum quality paintings with flawless provenance of both the Ukrainian, Russian and European School and has access to all the leading experts, private collections and museums in any area of the arts. In 2014 he put on his first exhibition of the Ukrainian Futurist Oleksandr Bohomazov (1880-1930) with subsequent shows in 2016 and 2019. He travels regularly to Ukraine. His private gallery is in Brook Street, London, he speaks fluent Russian and personally guarantees the authenticity of his pictures.