Pangolin London Ltd

  • Contacts Directors: Rungwe Kingdon, Claude Koenig, Peter Millican
  • Opening hours Wed - Sat 10-6, Mon & Tues by appointment

Sculpture, Prints & Drawings


Sculpture specialists, sculpture consultancy, valuation of works and estates. sourcing and commissioning artworks for public, private or corporate needs.


Artists Represented:
Anthony Abrahams
David Bailey
Bruce Beasley
Reg Butler
Ralph Brown
Jon Buck
Lynn Chadwick
Ann Christopher
Geoffrey Clarke
Michael Cooper
Terence Coventry
Steve Dilworth
Zachary Eastwood-Bloom
Abigail Fallis
Damien Hirst
Michael Joo
Jonathan Kenworthy
Philip King
Bryan Kneale
Jeff Lowe
Briony Marshall
Anita Mandl
Charlotte Mayer
Edward Paolozzi
Breon O’Casey
Carl Plackman
William Pye
Peter Randall-Page
Merete Rasmussen
Almuth Tebbenhoff
William Tucker