Richard Saltoun Gallery Ltd

  • Contacts Directors: Richard Saltoun, Niamh Coghlan
  • Opening hours Mon - Fri 10-6, Sat 11-5
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Post War, Contemporary


Founded in 2012, Richard Saltoun Gallery is based in Mayfair, London. The gallery specialises in contemporary art, with an emphasis on Feminist, Conceptual and Performance artists from the 1960s onwards. It is guided by a strong focus on rediscovering the work of important yet underrecognised artists through presentations at its central location on Dover Street, a series of online exhibitions and participation in art fairs around the world.Since its inception, Richard Saltoun Gallery has been driven by an interest in serving a wider purpose and is now recognised for its critically and socially-engaged programme.

In 2019, the gallery launched a year-long initiative titled 100% Women that aimed to address gender inequality in the art world and encourage wider industry action through debate, dialogue and collaboration. In 2021, it dedicates all exhibitions to the writings of German-born, American political philosopher Hannah Arendt in a 12-month programme On Hannah Arendt to confront some of the most perplexing socio-political issues of our time.


Represented artists

Eleanor Antin

Renate Bertlmann

Alexander Brodsky

Paulo Bruscky

Jagoda Buić

Victor Burgin

Helen Chadwick

Henri Chopin

Lili Dujourie

Rose English

Bracha L. Ettinger

Romany Eveleigh

Silvia Giambrone

Smryn Gill

David Hall

John Hilliard

Dom Sylvester Houédard

Alexis Hunter

Peter Kennard

Vivienne Koorland

Friedl Kubelka

Bob Law

Bice Lazzari

Rosa Lee

Malcolm Le Grice

Barbara Levittoux-Świderska

Laima Leyton

Bertina Lopes

Roelof Louw


Eliseo Mattiacci

Tony Morgan

Everlyn Nicodemus

Gina Pane

Gustavo Pérez Monzón

Florence Peake


Su Richardson

Greta Schödl

Berni Searle

Penny Slinger

Annegret Soltau

Jo Spence


Edgardo Antonio Vigo

Jan Wade

Shelagh Wakely

Li Yuan-chia