Saatchi Yates Gallery

  • Contacts Phoebe Saatchi Yates, Arthur Yates
  • Opening hours Mon - Sat 10 - 6
  • front-of-gallery-1-scaled
  • office
  • Noku-Install-2-scaled
  • Artboard-22
  • Artboard-21

Contemporary Art


Saatchi Yates was founded by Phoebe Saatchi Yates and Arthur Yates in October 2020. Located in Mayfair, Saatchi Yates has re-awakened Cork Street, with exciting new promise. With over 10,000 square feet spread across two floors, Saatchi Yates represents and showcases emerging artists; staging large-scale exhibitions on the ground floor gallery space, with a lower floor dedicated to presentations of blue-chip contemporary art drawn from leading private collections. In a familial fashion, Saatchi Yates continues to work with their artists throughout their careers, creating a close knit community of artists, collectors, dealers, and the future of London’s art market.

Jin Angdoo
Danny Fox
Mathieu Julien
Hams Klemens
Nokukhanya Langa
Sujin Lee
Kottie Paloma
Kevin Pinsembert
Angela Santana
Pascal Sender
Benjamin Spiers
Tesfaye Urgessa