Exploring 19th Century Art


The 19th century was a transformative period in art history, marked by diverse styles and groundbreaking movements. Members of The Society of London Art Dealers (SLAD) proudly present works of 19th-century art, providing a window into this fascinating era.


Our directory showcases the breadth of 19th-century art, from the emotive landscapes of the Romantics to the innovative techniques of the Impressionists and Post-Impressionists. Each piece offers a glimpse into the social, political, and technological changes of the time, reflecting the complexity and dynamism of the century.


The Evolution of 19th Century Art Paintings


19th-century art paintings are particularly noteworthy for their exploration of light, colour, and emotion. Romanticism brought a focus on nature’s sublime beauty, while Realism sought to depict everyday life with honesty and accuracy. The latter part of the century saw the emergence of Impressionism, where artists like Monet and Renoir captured fleeting moments with vibrant brushstrokes and a fresh approach to light and atmosphere.


Art from the 19th century is not only a reflection of its time but also a foundation for modern artistic expressions. The evolution from detailed academic art to the more abstract and expressive forms paved the way for future innovations in the art world. Our members are dedicated to offering authentic and high-quality pieces that span this rich artistic spectrum.


Whether you are an avid collector or a new enthusiast, the SLAD directory is an invaluable resource for discovering and acquiring art of the 19th century. Our members’ galleries are committed to excellence, providing artworks that are not only beautiful but also historically significant. By engaging with our members’ galleries, you can be assured of the authenticity and provenance of each piece, making your exploration of 19th-century art both enjoyable and enlightening.


Dive into the world of 19th-century art through the SLAD directory, and let the masterpieces of this transformative century enrich your appreciation and collection. The art of the 19th century awaits you, offering timeless beauty and a profound connection to history.”

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Dealer Search

The Fine Art Society Ltd

19th and 20th Century British and Scottish pictures and works of art; Modern British; Arts and Crafts, Aesthetic Movement; ceramics....
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Stoppenbach & Delestre Ltd

French 19th and 20th Century paintings and works on papers. Impressionist and Modern.   Robert Stoppenbach and François Delestre founded...
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Stern Pissarro Gallery

Impressionist – Modern – Contemporary   Established in 1964, Stern Pissarro Gallery is co-owned by David Stern and Lélia Pissarro,...
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Old Master Paintings and Sculpture, Modern British and Impressionist & Modern Works of Art. Dickinson is a world leader in...
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Richard Nagy Ltd

Temporary location: 21 Cork Street, London W1S 3LZ Modernist Art   Richard Nagy has been dealing in Modernist Art since...
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Lefevre Fine Art Ltd

Modern and Contemporary International and European paintings, drawings and sculptures.   Andrews, Michael; Auerbach, Frank; Bacon, Francis; Bomberg, David; Bonnard,...
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John Mitchell Fine Paintings

Old Master, 19th Century European and English Paintings, Drawings & Watercolours   John Mitchell Fine Paintings is an independent family...
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James Mackinnon

Old Masters, 19th Century Paintings, Watercolours and Drawings.
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Day & Faber

Old Master and Nineteenth Century Drawings and Paintings   Day & Faber are fine art dealers specialising in European drawings...
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Philip Mould Ltd

500 years of British art and portrait miniatures from the Tudor period through to the late 20th century.   Jacques-Antoine...
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