Exploring Modern Art from 1880-1970


Modern art from 1880 to 1970 marks a period of significant transformation in the art world, characterised by the emergence of groundbreaking movements and innovative techniques. Members of the The Society of London Art Dealers (SLAD) include galleries soecasing exhibitions featuring this era’s influential works, offering a comprehensive view of modern art’s evolution.

Our directory includes notable pieces from this period, reflecting the diversity and dynamism of styles such as Impressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, and Abstract Expressionism. These movements redefined artistic expression and left a lasting impact on contemporary art.

The Evolution of Modern Art


The span from 1880 to 1970 saw artists breaking away from traditional conventions, exploring new forms, and expressing the complexities of the modern world. SLAD’s members’ galleries provide a curated selection of artworks from this era, ensuring you have access to significant pieces that capture the spirit of innovation and change.

Whether you are interested in the bold brushstrokes of the Impressionists, the geometric shapes of Cubism, or the imaginative realms of Surrealism, SLAD’s directory is your resource for discovering and acquiring Modern Art from this transformative period. Our members’ galleries are dedicated to offering authentic and high-quality works that reflect the richness of modern art history.

Immerse yourself in the pioneering world of Modern Art from 1880 to 1970 through SLAD’s directory. Let these masterpieces enhance your collection and deepen your appreciation for the art that shaped the contemporary landscape.

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Dealer Search

Frederick Mulder Ltd

Modern Art   Established in London in 1971, Frederick Mulder Ltd is regarded as one of the world’s foremost dealers...
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Härb-Nuti Master Drawings

Works on Paper from the 16th Century to Today.  Old Master and Modern Art   Florian Härb and Liberté Nuti...
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Alan Wheatley Art

British and International Modern paintings and sculpture from the latter half of the Twentieth Century with a particular emphasis on...
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Gazelli Art House

Contemporary, Modern, Post-War, Digital   Founded in 2010 by Mila Askarova, Gazelli Art House brings a fresh perspective to Mayfair....
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Martin Beisly Fine Art Ltd

Specialising in Victorian, Pre-Raphaelite and Edwardian painting   Located in the heart of St. James’s, Martin Beisly Fine Art specialises...
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Grant Ford Limited

International Specialists in European, British and Irish Art   Trusted International Fine Art Advisors, Brokers and Curators Grant Ford Ltd...
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Gray M.C.A.

Fashion Illustration, Modern Textiles & Design   Original Fashion Illustration Gray M.C.A is recognised as an international leader in the...
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Pissarro & Associates Fine Art

Impressionist, Modern and Post War   Artists: Pierre Bonnard Constantin Brancusi Georges Braque Gustave Caillebotte Marc Chagall Paul Cézanne Sonia...
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